InBox LGPDCustomerUser
Version 7.0.1
Creation date 03/03/2021
Module to generate a report with all the data of the client user.
The following versions of the Znuny framework are supported:
- [7.0.x]
The following modules are required:
- InBox Core 7.0.1 or superior
Operational system
The following operating systems are required:
- [None]
Third Party Software
The following third-party software is required:
- [None]
bin/ Admin::Package::Install /path/to/InBox\ LGPDCustomerUser-7.0.1.opm
Access the system settings and look for the configuration LGPDCustomerUser::Logo.
Define the image path that will be used as the logo and that will be added to the report generated by the process.
Import the sample process as shown in the image below:
A simple process with two activities will be created, a transition action.
The existing transition action in the process is responsible for creating the report with the client user's data. The report settings are already filled in by default, if necessary change as needed by the environment.
With the process configured according to the needs of the environment, it is enough for the customer or attendant user to create a ticket by selecting the configured process.
During the process, when executing the transition action in the ticket, the user data will be attached to an article.
Note: The ticket must have an associated client user before the transition action is performed.
When opening the attached report, all the information linked to the requesting user will be displayed: Personal data, User company data and user tickets.